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Master Germ and Odor Removal Non-Toxic Logo Without Border

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Some questions keep coming up.

1. Will the COVID-19 virus ever abate?
2. What is my responsibility socially?
3. Can I take my kids back to fast food restaurant playlands because they’re driving me crazy during quarantine and it’s so hot outside and I don’t want to strangle them and I just need an hour. Please?


Let’s take a look:


1. Will SARS-Cov-2, the virus behind COVID-19, ever abate?

Well, that’s not the nature of things–they want to keep on replicating themselves. Plants make more plants, people make more people, and pathogens make more pathogens. As long as we give it good places to replicate, the COVID-19 virus will continue.

The best place for the virus to replicate? Inside people. Which leads to…

2. What is my responsibility socially?

Wear a mask. This is one of the social responsiilities we each bear right now. In the words of Mike from Rigatony’s, “I’ll never understand why, but I am well aware that [wearing a mask] is a polarizing issue but I believe as responsible citizens that we should be a part of the solution, not a contributor to the problem.”

Wearing a mask does not indicate that I am a fearful person. It does indicate that I care about people, and putting something over my nose and mouth helps in a few ways:

A) It helps keep my breathing, coughs and sneezes contained. No, no one will get carbon monoxide poisoning from wearing a mask. Masks are not plastic bags, so CO can get out and new air can get in. Are they perfect? No.

B) It helps keep other people’s droplets from breathing, coughing and sneezing out of my mouth and nose. This is a good thing…it’s really gross if you take a moment to think about it.

C) It keeps my fingers out of my nose and mouth. I know, I just said it, but I itch my nose (and eyes!) all the time! I never noticed it until I wore a mask when outside of my house or car. At this rate, I should wear goggles all day, too…I won’t, but perhaps I should.

3. Can I take my kids to a fast-food restaurant playland?

No. Don’t go into playlands at fast food restaurants. I would be surprised if these open up again very soon. I imagine they will again some day, but probably not for a long time. Before they open, have them give me a call to treat them with an antimicrobial germ shield that works when it’s dry, killing germs 24/7. Ours is non-toxic, food-safe, does not leach, etc.
Playlands are typically warm with limited air flow and can retain heat and moisture. This is a perfect place for microbes to replicate. A disinfected playland is great until the second kids goes through–the first kid is fine. The first kid’s germs will get spread around, and that is no problem for the first kid. The second kid, however, will likely touch all those same spots and accumulate the first kid’s germs, add their own germs, and then the third kid…you get the picture.
A playland that is treated with our antimicrobial germ shield will have a nano-scale film over every surface that kills most pathogens on contact through the process of lysis (germs impale themselves). Non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, no odor, allergy-friendly, earth-friendly, and food safe.




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