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Master Germ and Odor Removal Non-Toxic Logo Without Border

DIY Car Odor Removal Kit

DIY Car Odor Removal Kit

Congratulations! You have the most advanced, professional-grade odor removal technology on the planet!

Standard Vehicle Odor Removal Tablets (about the size of a quarter)
1. Add 5 oz of water to the small container, leaving the lid off. Set container in the cup holder, or put it on the passenger’s floorboard in the larger bucket to catch any splashes.
2. Turn on the Odor Removal Accelerator Pump and put end of tube with weight in water and verify it is bubbling.
3. Make sure all windows and doors are closed and the AC system is set to ON and RECIRCULATE for when the car gets started
4. Open and gently release Odor Removal Tablet into water. Do not touch the tablet itself. Avoid splashing onto surfaces. Water will turn yellow.
6. Exit the car, close the door, and start a 20 minute timer.
7. When timer goes off, using a respirator, then open the drivers’ door, start the vehicle, and double check AC is ON and set to RECIRCULATE. If seats are cooled, turn them on HIGH. Do not turn on seat heaters.
8. Start a new 20 minute timer
9. When timer goes off, turn off vehicle, open doors to air out, and remove Odor Removal Kit. Water will be clear or very light yellow. Dispose of in toilet or drain–the byproducts are water and salt.
10. Air out vehicle


XXL Smoke Odor Removal Tablets (2″ diameter)
1. Add 48 oz of water to the inner container
2. Turn on the Odor Removal Accelerator Pump and put end of tube with weight in water and verify it is bubbling. Set in place in back cargo area or behind passenger front seat on the floor.
3. Use small lid create a flap over the water in case of effervescence pops
4. Make sure all windows and doors are closed and the AC system is set to ON and RECIRCULATE for when the car gets started
5. Open and gently release XXL Tablet into water. Do not touch the tablet itself. Avoid splashing onto surfaces. Water will turn yellow.
6. Set 30-120 minute timer, depending on severity of odors.
7. When timer goes off, use a respirator, then open the drivers’ door, start the vehicle, and double check AC is ON and set to RECIRCULATE. If seats are cooled, turn them on HIGH. Do not turn on seat heaters.
8. Set 30 minute timer
9. When timer goes off, turn off vehicle, open doors to air out, and remove Odor Removal Kit. Water will be clear or very light yellow. Dispose of in toilet or drain–the byproducts are water and salt.
10. Air out vehicle

XXL Odor Removal Kit in Freightliner Semi Truck

This product may cause discoloration. Use at your own risk
Your results may vary; we express no guarantee
Odor Removal Gas is a lung- and eye-irritant. Use proper PPE rated for Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2).
All interior surfaces must be dry before gassing off to help avoid bleaching

To reorder, please send an email to:
Include DIY Odor Kit in subject line and specify how many odor tabs you require. Normal reorder pack is four tablets. We can provide packs of 2-100 or more.

Visit our website for more information about odor removal and disinfection.
