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Master Germ and Odor Removal Non-Toxic Logo Without Border

Testing Data

Official reports are sent to clients.

Here the tests are made into a single page with a few comments about that particular location for insight, such as how often the facility is being cleaned (5 times daily at high-end apartment community Proxy 333) or if we’re “competing” against a hospital-grade disinfectant (Vital Oxide at James Madison), etc.

These reports can be compared to one another to give a decent impression of possible results in your own facility or home. Of course, your facility is unique and legally we must say these results are not a guarantee nor expectation of how our germ shield service will protect your facility. These reports are used with verbal permission from clients (typically, “Can we share our report with others, or post to our website?” “Sure.”). If your facility appears here and you wish it to not appear, simply reach out to to let us know.

1-Year Test Results Germ Shield Service
Incredibly low microbial count at a school helps prevent surface transfer of pathogens.
MGOR 3 Month Proxy 333 Single Page Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
3-month results comparing Germ Shield Service applied one time vs. traditional disinfection five times per day
Germ Shield Disinfection Service for Playground and Ramada Outdoor Table
Germ Shield Disinfection Service for Playground and Ramada Outdoor Table. NOTE GREEN BOX: table without Germ Shield Service at 918 RLUs; table WITH Germ Shield Service at 27 RLUs more than two weeks after application of Germ Shield. This facility set a new record for worst contamination ever seen, exceeding the limit of Hygiena’s Touch luminometer, their flagship portable meter.
MGOR Report VCJS One Page Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 20
MGOR JMPS Single Page 10 Months Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
The results of Germ Shield Service vs. a traditional disinfectant (this was Vital Oxide applied with an electrostatic backpack sprayer) show unambiguous superiority of Germ Shield Service. Save time and money with Germ Shield Service, typically less than your current spending on chemicals that need to be reapplied constantly. Germ Shield Service is applied by our professionals each quarter (monthly is available for high-friction environments) and tested PRIOR to reapplication every three months to demonstrate efficacy.
Screen Shot 2020 12 17 at 1.40.17 PM Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Administration chose to test Germ Shield Service against a hospital-grade disinfectant applied regularly per manufacturer’s instructions with electrostatic equipment. Testing is done at the end of the school day.
MGOR Report JMPS 3 month One Page 1 Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 21
MGOR Report JMPS 3 month One Page Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 22
MGOR Report JMPS 2.5 Month Single Page Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 23
Long Beach Unified Data compilation Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 24
MGOR Report JMPS 2.25 Month Single Page Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 25
MGOR Report JMPS 2 Month Single Page Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 26
Screen Shot 2020 10 26 at 3.34.06 PM Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
We treated all of Roof Box Guy’s roof boxes and experienced similar results on all the boxes, but this box’s story stands out: 1. It was used by three families for two weeks each 2. It went from Arizona (AZ) to Ohio (OH) and back 3. Next it went from AZ to Oregon (OR) and back 4. Finally it went from AZ to Mexico (MX) and back 5. After six weeks, three families, and two countries, the box swab test came back “Food Safe.” Dozens of germ sets from hotel lobbies, many states, two countries, three families, etc. all went into this box that is dark and warm. Instead of proliferating, the pathogens were killed on contact and these families were kept safe by the antimicrobial germ shield service.
MGOR SufferCity Report 2 months Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 27
MGOR Report UC Chandler 4 month one page Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 28
MGOR Report Suffer City 4 month one page Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 29
MGOR Report K2K Ahwatukee 4 months one page Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 30
MGOR Before After ATP 3900 to 17 Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
Testing Data from ATP Swab Tests 31
MGOR Germ Shield School Comparison Odor removal and disinfection you can trust.
These are two locations in the same school–one has Germ Shield Service antimicrobial, the other is not. Note times: testing is performed immediately upon the departure of the school cleaning crew, before staff and students arrive. The only other person present is the principal who gives me access to swab surfaces.